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Working From Home Has Made Me More Creative

Jan 17, 2022

Remote work came as a big change to many of us at the start of COVID-19. Since then many of us have continued to work remotely and developed a new routine to combat working outside the office. Since I’ve started my job this spring, I’ve noticed that I really enjoyed working from home and that most days it has helped me feel more creative.

More flexibility in your day

Some days I’m feeling more ambitious and I’ll start working early to make the most of those especially productive hours in the morning. Other days I have a difficult time staying focused. On those days I like to get away from screens for a little while and let my brain rest. Sometimes I’ll go for a walk, and the nice thing is I can make up my work later on when I’ve had time to process and get new ideas.

Creative tools

If you’re anything like me you have boxes and boxes full of different art supplies, multiple devices and all kinds of mediums for creating. It’s so much easier to grab a sheet of paper or my iPad and work through ideas than when I’m in the office. No lugging around notebooks and piles of sticky notes, everything is always right where I leave it on my desk.

Change of location

And finally if I’m having an off day I like to get up and move to a different spot to get work done. This can be as simple as moving to the dining room table or my desk in my room or could even be relocating to a coffee shop downtown.

I’ve noticed that I get tired of doing the same repetitive thing every day, including sitting in the same seat, so being able to move around is really nice (and doesn’t interrupt anyone like it would in the office).

Final Thoughts

While not every day is an especially creative day, being able to have some flexibility in my day and change things up when I need to has helped my creativity tremendously.